Decred in Depth Ep. 40 - Notsofast Interview

Eduardo will be sitting down with Notsofast, long-time #decred hodler, altcoin miner, and aspiring metaverse champion. We'll be discussing the current and future state of #Decred. Particularly, Notsofast's opinion on mining, DCRDEX , lightning network, and the direction for the Decred DAO. We will also discuss gaming, the metaverse, and NFTs. You will not want to miss this live stream! Tune in at 12pm EST Friday, July 30th.
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:38 How fast are you actually?
- 2:28 Tell us about your background and how you got into Decred
- 4:45 What was it about Decred compelling and competitive – Checkmate
- 7:20 In general, what do you look for in deciding which cryptocurrencies to invest/get involved in?
- 10:49 Can you give us a high-level overview of the mining landscape.
- 14:15 Decred uses blake256 instead of sha256, why is this differentiation useful for the network?
- 16:56 Are ASICS a good or a bad thing for a PoW network, why?
- 19:44 How do you approach deploying capital in regard to what kind of mining rigs to invest in and at what time?
- 23:16 How did you get into trading? How do you approach trading crypto markets in terms of accumulating BTC, alts, USD?
- 27:54 What are some of your favorite indicators
- 31:14 What is more important in your mind DCR/USD or DCR/BTC?
- 33:30 Do you have a mental model for how high $DCR can go in the next 1 to 2 years?
- 36:53 What are your thoughts on DCRDEX and how it impacts Decred ecosystem moving forward?
- 40:37 What do you think about fiat trading solutions on DCRDEX? Integration with bisq network?
- 42:37 How can Decred increase its network effect?
- 45:16 Thoughts on interoperability?
- 49:48 What do you think of the current state of the lightning network and Decred lightning network in particular?
- 54:15 Do you see any cool Lapps being built? Do you have any ideas for cool Decred lightning use cases?
- 54:55 I know you are a bit of a gamer, what are your thoughts about NFT gaming? How are you thinking about lightning development in terms of gaming?
- 58:14 In your opinion, why are NFTs useful, and should Decred holders be thinking about NFTs in terms of the Decred blockchain?
- 1:04:44 What is Decred not getting right?
- 1:09:12 Do you have any thoughts on how the current passing of wealth from older generations to younger might grow crypto market?
- 1:12:43 For normal users what is the safest way to protect their assets in a cold wallet? Ledger, trezor?
- 1:15:12 If Decred were a MTG single, what would it be?
- 1:17:16 If Decred were a Pokemon card, what would it be?
- 1:18:28 What’s your favorite physical collectible?
- 1:19:44 Why do you keep notes on Twitter personas?
- 1:21:49 Do you know any crypto OGs who silently hold Decred? Any proclaimed maximalist?
- 1:25:16 Any word on
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