Decred grows and flourishes because the roots of the project are strong, and the branches are wide.
We often hear blockchain catchphrases like “autonomous”, “decentralised”, and “no single point of failure”, from people who aim to extract value from others who believe in these core principles. Whenever I hear people describe the future of crypto, I think, “but Decred already does this!?”
It’s not by accident, Decred has governance built-in to the project.
It’s not an afterthought, Decred gives the coin holder the final say on consensus or what gets developed.
It’s not by chance, Decred can fund its own development without asking permission from outsides.
Decred is – the project people talk about but don’t mention.
Decred is – the description given when people think about decentralisation.
Decred is – the project people wish for whilst denying its existence.
Decred grows and flourishes because the roots of the project are strong, and the branches are wide.

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