Two-tiered Economy - Decred and the state of the market
This time out, we'll be looking at how the economy has played out over the last few years and where it might be headed. The idea of a two tiered economy isn't new, but is becoming more relevant.

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Brought to you by @Exitus and @DecredSociety and aims to look at current social, economic, and crypto news and how it relates to Decred. This time we are joined by a special guest and Decred project lead, Jake Yocom-Piatt.
This time out, we'll be looking at how the economy has played out over the last few years and where it might be headed.
Introducing Jake Yocom-Piatt
Jake needs no introduction in this space, but it would be great to hear a little about his background and what he's currently working on for Decred?
After full-filling the majority of Decred's aims and being several years ahead of pretty much every other cryptocurrency, where does the project go from here?
The idea of a two-tiered economy isn't new and in general terms means:
There are effectively two classes of worker, one of whom gets less favourable pay, conditions, and benefits. This diversity then grows larger over time, with the exampled worker gradually working their way to the bottom.
Fortunes are made in bear markets:

- Would you mind extending upon the opportunities you see for cryptocurrencies and how Central Banks are likely to get themselves out of the situation they've created? — "The extent to which developed state Central Banks have painted themselves into a corner is a huge opportunity for cryptocurrencies."
- The bailouts during the 2008 housing crash, had nothing on the bailouts and subsidies of 2020-21. With the huge monetary injection, inflation was always going to be inevitable. But where do you see this headed?
- Why is, "JP Morgan’s government bond rate jump, i.e. yield curve control imploding, a hugely bullish sign for cryptocurrencies?"
- There's a lot of talk regarding "Central Bank Digital Currencies" or CBDC's. One thing that concerns me regarding these currencies is the ability for them to be socially programmed, one example, is the ability to make coins expire if they haven’t been spent after x number of days. What benefits and drawbacks do you anticipate from these currencies?
- @Ben_Rickert - The Federal Reserve System has been given a dual mandate - pursuing the economic goals of maximum employment and price stability. How is that working out for them in 2022?
- @DCR_Uncle - I would like to hear him speak for a bit on creative ways regulators can attack DEXs. And things we can do in the long term to get the masses off CEXs.
- Let's talk, red flags! What red flags do you see in in crypro that retail investors should be aware of? e.g. Custodial services, coin supply, identifying ponzi schemes etc.
Community Questions:
- @tobiasmonero - Could DCR system be considered a two tier economy? Ticket holders and non ticket holders? positives and negatives
- What would you like to see Decred develop next?
- @AlanBarber - What are your thoughts of building support for DApps and possibly even being EVM-compatible?
- @xThorchad - What is Jake's goal vision for Decred?
- @xThorchad - Jake hinted months ago of a surprise feature, may he clarify what that is?
- @MadScrilla1 - How do we plan to compete in the DEX space? Against Thorchain for example. Are there incentives for Devs to code up pairs? Do we have any DCRDEX branding? Why are we dragging our feet on integrating with Thorchain?
- @MadScrilla1 - What can we improve? Focus on and build to increase the ways people use DCR?
- @MonsieurPlus_ - Ask, how does he think #Decred could become mainstream? After 6 years+ running there's still only a small amount of investors attracted by its features. What could be the game changer for Decred?
- @D2succes - Will there ever be a way for people that can't afford full tickets to participate in voting ? So they can get the full decred expierence.
GET INVOLVED - If you would like to add your thoughts or insights into this topic please feel free to comment in this tweet before the show or comment in the stream section during the show. Show your support for the show by giving us a like and sharing this post.
Two-tiered Economy - Decred and the State of the Market with Jake Yocom-Piatt - July 3rd
— Decred Society (@DecredSociety) June 23, 2022
THIS TIME! We'll be discussing what Jakes been up to in the Decred space and the broader economy.
If you've got a question, ask away!
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