State of the market - Content and Development Proposals
In this show, we’ll be talking about the five active proposals on Politeia and the opportunities they’ll bring to Decred and the wider crypto space.

Decred and the State of the market is brought to you by @Exitus and @DecredSociety and aims to look at current social, economic, and crypto news and how it relates to Decred. This time, we’ll be discussing the five active proposals and the potential impact they could have on the space -
Live stream agenda:
Cointelegraph Content Proposal - which aims to help build general awareness and engage with a wider audience.

- How did this proposal come about, and what’s been learned from the experience?
- Who are cointelegraph and what engagement could they bring to Decred?
- The price will be an issue for stakeholders, some will find it hard to justify the expense as the outcomes are unknown, at the moment. What can we expect as outcomes and goals for this proposal, and are there any alternatives or cheaper options that will let the project test the water?
- Currently, the most popular Decred article on Cointelegraph is - Now that Decred has been in production for over 7-years. Is there an opportunity here to get a retraction on this article, or get it removed, or have a follow-up article written that concludes that Decred is a legitimate coin with huge future potential?
- Finally, is there anything that you’d like to add to highlight the benefits of this proposal to the Decred stakeholders
Decred Journal and Politeia Digest 2023

- Decred Journal is the most informative monthly publication, many Decred members consider this their monthly bible for what’s happening in the Decred space. What was the general feedback from last year's proposal, and what can we look forward to this year e.g. new features, sections, charts etc…?
Decred DEX - Desktop App and Packaging

- Standalone packages for Windows and Mac are a big deal for general users. Being able to download and install will make this products a lot more user-friendly.
- What were the issues with the initial Umbrel package, and what are the workarounds? e.g. community vs main
Decred DEX - Client Development

- What will the new built-in wallets for Decred, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash mean for DCRDEX?
- What are fidelity bonds, and how will current users be effected as we move from a registration fee to fidelity bonds?
- What can we expect from the Ethereum and USDC being added to the DEX?
- How will the new UI improve usability?
- DEX is aiming to become Decred’s first multi-wallets that exposed not only exchange but a multitude of other features from each chain deployed. How could this drive adoption, and what does this mean for maintenance on both the user and dev sides?
- What assets are we likely to see added next, and why? Polygon, Digibyte and Firo …
- The name change topic is always controversial, but what’s the thought process behind why this might be necessary? BisonWallet and BisonEx
Decred DEX - Market Maker and Arbitrage Bot Development

- What are market Maker bots, and why does DEX need them?
- How does the “Maker bot” work?
- How does the “Arbitrage Bot” work?
- How will this help create opportunities for more liquidity on the DEX?
Community Questions
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