POLITEIA DIGEST Issue 60 - April 30 - May 27 2023
One new proposal this time, for starting the work on DCRDEX Mesh architecture. A budget of $164K is requested to develop initial testnet versions and an experimental mainnet version of what would become DCRDEX v2.

Treasury balance: 857,304 DCR (approx +7,811 DCR/month) - $14.1 million (+$129K/month) based on $16.49 DCR price
New Proposals
DCRDEX Mesh Beginnings and Bonds Evolution
Published May 9 by chappjc | 4 comments
This proposal requests a budget of $164,000 to develop prototype and experimental versions of a new DCRDEX v2.0 which would utilise a mesh of servers rather than relying on the central bulletin board type servers of v0.6 (and soon v1.0). The proposal describes a process of planning and then prototyping a skeletal testnet mesh with a small number of hosts using a P2P communications layer, to be used as a sandbox for simulations and testing that can refine the design for mainnet use. The proposal’s objective is then to develop an experimental mesh-enabled version of DCRDEX that can run alongside v1.0 on mainnet and serve as the basis for a future mesh-enabled DCRDEX v2.0. A timeline is provided which sees DCRDEX v1.0 release in Aug 2023, mesh prototype on testnet around Oct 2023, and the experimental mainnet version by Feb 2024.
There are three supportive comments on the proposal, one asks about a market data API for the mesh network and @chappjc responds to say that current endpoints would exist and could be queried from any server in the mesh.
Approved Proposals
Decred Vanguard: A New Outreach Effort
Published Apr 18 by exitus, last edited Apr 21 | 32 (+3) comments
Final voting figures: 94% Yes votes, 39% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal requested a budget of $46,784 to fund a “community-driven outreach program with the purpose of injecting Decred into discussions all across the Internet”. There would be 25 available positions in the Decred Vanguard team, each participant would receive $100/month in compensation for their efforts, with an additional 3 members receiving an extra $100 per month as a prize, with the additional availability of another $100 prize for a contribution from someone who is not a member of Decred Vanguard. Vanguard members would aim to energize the community, grow the community, increase awareness of Decred’s features and tools and create quality art and memes. The program would be run by @exitus and @tivra, and people who want to join should contact them. Efforts would be organized through a “war room” bridged across Bison Relay, Matrix, and Discord, and contributors will have access to tools like Twitter Blue (premium Twitter features), Midjourney (AI-generated images), and ElevenLabs (AI-generated voice-overs). Most of the budget is split between the stipends ($2,500/month) and paying the two admins ($2,400/month), on top of the monthly expenses limit of $5,598 x 8 an additional $2,000 is requested for discretionary spending.
Vanguard “war room” is up and running but it will be Discord-only for now since the Discord chat bridge was shut down recently.
Published Apr 17 by btcecho, last edited May 4 | 23 (+6) comments
Final voting figures: 69% Yes votes, 32% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal requested $9,500 for a three month engagement during which BTC-ECHO, a German crypto site, would create and publish two sponsored articles, including “social media booster” promotion to their 115K followers across various platforms. The package also includes a podcast ad to be read by one of the podcast hosts and run for two weeks. Content for the articles and ads would be agreed with Decred community representatives. This proposal is being suggested as the start of a longer term relationship.
Following the approval of this proposal BTC-ECHO have left an update to confirm next steps and ask for Decred’s billing data or how the payment process works.
About this issue
Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with fixes from @bee.
Image credit: @sænder
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