Helsing: Private Masternode Staking Explained

Helsing is an upgrade that brings privacy to Firo's masternodes. Why is this important and how will it increase privacy on the Firo network?

Helsing: Private Masternode Staking Explained
Helsing: Private Masternode Staking Explained

As a privacy centric coin, we want Spark and Spark addresses to be the default way FIRO is used and reduce the reliance on transparent addresses as part of our efforts to phase them out.

Masternodes form a key component of our blockchain network and Helsing enables masternode collaterals to be held in the Spark pool and payouts to be directly anonymized. Anonymized masternode payouts increase the overall Lelantus Spark anonymity set and protects the privacy of masternode holders by preventing such funds from masternode rewards from being tied to masternodes. https://firo.org/2022/01/28/helsing-private-firo-masternode.html

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