Firo's Network Layer Privacy: Dandelion++ Explained

Dandelion++ reroutes transactions through multiple nodes, making it harder to identify the transaction's original source. With Dandelion++, Firo ensures transactions remain untraceable and unlinkable to IP addresses.

Firo's Network Layer Privacy: Dandelion++ Explained
Firo's Network Layer Privacy: Dandelion++ Explained

Network layer privacy is about protecting your data as it travels across networks. Firo enhances this privacy through Dandelion++, which hides the IP address associated with a transaction. Traditionally, an observer can link a transaction to an IP address, reducing privacy. However, Dandelion++ reroutes transactions through multiple nodes, making it harder to identify the transaction's original source. With Dandelion++, Firo ensures transactions remain untraceable and unlinkable to IP addresses.

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