Decred - Bricking ASICs and P2P Social Media discussion feat. Dave Collins & Jake Yocom-Piatt
In this show, we’re exploring the consensus upgrade proposal and the exciting new features coming to Bison Relay.

Decred and the state of the market is brought to you by @Exitus and @DecredSociety and aims to look at current social, economic, and crypto news and how it relates to Decred. This time, we’ll be talking about the proposed consensus upgrade and Bison Relay. In this episode, we’re joins be special guests Jake Yocom-Piatt and Dave Collins.
Just short of a year ago, Decred changed its subsidy split to reduce the miner reward, with the aim of removing the malicious miner behaviour witnessed on-chain. This action has gone a long way to addressing the issue, but although reduced, the pattern of dumping coins to prevent price realisation has continued.
For this reason, a new proposal is up for discussion and voting. Firstly to reduce the miner reward further and secondly to introduce a new mining algorithm.

Proposal Questions:
- Could you give a high level overview of the proposal and what you've seen that's prevoked this course of action?
- In your opinion, will this proposal be enough to course correct the malicious action and if not, what could be a possible further step?
- How important is it to maintain our hybrid POS/POW system, and what are the benefits compared to going fully POS?
- What will be the likely impact of going from an ASIC friendly chain to a GPU friendly chain? e.g. will it help mining enthusiasts be able to mine dcr; impact to protocol security?
- Based on the research shown in Dave’s Politiea comment, how do you feel this action will impact those accounts that have mined over 90% of the POW coin supply?
Dave Collin's Politeia Comment

- Why has Blake3 been chosen to replace Blake256, and what benefits / drawbacks does it have over other comparable GPU algorithms? e.g. RandomX
- Will Blake3 make it easier for a mining enthusiast to mine Decred? e.g. are there mining machines already available
- Compared to Blake256, how hard will it be to purchase Blake3 hardware?
- Question for Dave: BLAKE3 runs significantly faster than BLAKE256, and also supports a greater degree of parallelism. How could this change the dcrd experience for end users? eg. Utilizing more CPU cores? Faster sync times? Enabling dcrd to run on lower-end hardware? - from jholdstok
- Community questions and final thoughts from Jake and Dave
Bison Relay
Bison Relay is sculpting the landscape for the next generation of internet applications – including content delivery, social media and communication.
- What was the cataliyse for building Bison Relay?
- Oprah bot – What was the initial thinking behind the Oprah bot? e.g. how does it work? How to get Oprah to follow you? How does it determine the tip for content / comments? What is the frequency of tipping?
- Will there be direct tipping in groups and the news feed for people that post and comment ( is feature as already available in chat by clicking on the profile icon)?
- Prepaid invites – How will these work?
- Will br get profile images and social engagement buttons?
- What can we expect from store fronts and pages?
- Will br be available on mobile devices (e.g. iOS, android)? If so, will there be any usage limitations?
- How will email work on Bison Relay? e.g. will it be able to interact with conventional email.
- Which Decred apps will be available in br in the future? e.g. Politeia, CMS, Timestamping …
- What else can users look forward to in future releases of Bison Relay?
- Final thoughts from Jake and Dave, what's next for Decred?
- Community Questions
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